The Weblog
Athens Locally Grown has closed.
ALG Market Open for April 9
Athens Locally Grown
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On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Hi there! We’re still taking things week by week, day by day, but right now it looks like we can keep going another week. Getting farm fresh food in your hands is more important than ever and we’ll be doing everything we can to safely get it to you. Last week was the most amount of food we’ve ever distributed at our Ben’s Bikes location. We made some tweaks to our organization in the back, and having the hour-long blocks for you to choose when to arrive really helped a lot. We’re going to keep doing that for the foreseeable future.
The live plants will continue to be self-service. Organizing the food will be our first priority, and if we have hands after that to organize the plants by customer, we will. All the pots are labelled, just like your food items, but it’ll be up to you to get the right ones. Bringing a list or your order confirmation email will help out a lot there, and we’ll point you to the general area where we think your plants are. Be sure you grab the right ones! Some of you have the same last name, so take a look at the full name on the pots before you grab them to be sure they’re yours. Last week we had some people go home empty handed because someone else grabbed their plants by mistake.
We’re still not accepting in-person payments unless absolutely necessary. We’ll have a drop box for checks or labelled envelopes of cash, but we greatly prefer Venmo payments to @athenslocallygrown or online payments through a card tied to your account. That last option has a 3% fee, and Venmo is free. We can not accept any recycling, we cannot take your own bags or bins, and we ask that you keep yourselves separated. I will have three tables up front so you can form three separate lines if you choose.
Keep in mind that conditions are still changing rapidly. We’ll notify you as soon as we know if anything happens to affect where, when, and if you can pick up your order.
Finally, a reminder that while the parking lot there is decently sized, it’s still no shopping center and there are a lot of you coming and going. Take it slow, give yourselves lots of room to get around, and be patient with everyone. This is new territory for all of us, and we’re having to adjust on the fly. Last week saw several times the usual amount of sales for our growers, which would be logistically challenging for us in normal circumstances. Please be patient with us on Thursday if things don’t go the most smoothly, and if you see something we could be doing better, please tell us. We don’t know how long we’ll be able to do this, but we’ll keep it going as long as we possibly, and safely, can.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!