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Athens Locally Grown has closed.
ALG Market Open for April 2
Athens Locally Grown
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On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Hi there! We’re taking things week by week, day by day, but right now it looks like we can try this another week. Getting farm fresh food in your hands is more important than ever and we’ll be doing everything we can to safely get it to you.
Last week we pretty much were at capacity, though. Y’all are ordering far more than usual from the farmers (that’s a good thing!) but we really had no more room back there where we were organizing. I know there are even more of you this week, though, so we’re going to keep trying to wring every bit of efficiency we can out of time and space. o this end, I’ve made one very big change to how you order this week:
I’d like you to commit to an hour block you’ll be arriving on Thursday. When you go to place your order, on the last screen, there’s a new drop-down labelled “Pickup Location”. he only thing different between the options are the times: 5-6pm, 6-7pm, and 7-8pm. If you don’t choose one, your order will not go through (it’ll tell you why and how to fix it). If you place multiple orders, please choose the same time block for each. You can click on “Change Your Account Information” on the Your Account page to set a default for your account so you don’ have to choose a time slot each time.
Knowing roughly when you arrive will help us prepare things moor efficiently. I’m hoping you naturally spread yourselves out some and don’t all choose the 5pm slot. When you arrive has no bearing on what you receive, so there’s no reason to try to get there first.
Live plans will continue to be self-service, and will likely be even less organized than last week. Organizing the food will be our first priority, and if we have hands after that to organize the plants by customer, we will. All the pots are labelled, just like your food items, bu it’ll be up to you to get the right ones. We can tell you, but last week some of you ordered 20 plants and didn’t remember what you ordered, and that was pretty hard for everyone. Bringing a list or your order confirmation email will help out a lot there.
We’re still not accepting in-person payments unless absolutely necessary. We’ll have a drop box for checks or labelled envelopes of cash, but we greatly prefer Venmo payments to @athenslocallygrown or online payments through a card tied to your account. That last option has a 3% fee, and Venmo is free.
We do have a lot of options on the able right now, including moving to another pickup location altogether that can better handle the traffic. If that happens, I’ll send out another email to everyone.
Finally, keep in mind that while the parking lot there is decently sized, it’s still no shopping center and there are a lot of you coming and going. Take it slow, give yourselves lots of room to get around, and be patient with everyone. This is new territory for all of us, and we’re having to adjust on the fly. Last week saw several times the usual amount of sales for our growers, which would be logistically challenging for us in normal circumstances. Please be patient with us on Thursday if things don’t go the most smoothly, and if you see something we could be doing better, please tell us. We don’t know how long we’ll be able to do this, but we’ll keep it going as long as we possibly, and safely, can.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!