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Foil-baked Lemony Summer Squash

This is an almost ridiculously simple but very delicious way to fix zucchini or other summer squash. It’s also a great addition to a grilled supper or a meal around the campfire.

Source: Our own recipe (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: squash, olive, thyme, oregano, cheese
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Fresh Mint Kisses

Oh-so-simple, tasty, and gluten-free — it’s hard to beat these airy meringue cookies. Furthermore, they are guilt-free — According to Cooking Light magazine, they have only 31 calories per serving. Pair them with ice cream to dress up a simple dinner, or make them a few days ahead for a special occasion. Delicious as a “base” for chopped, sugared fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, or peaches.

Source: Cooking Light magazine, April 2007. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: over 100 kisses (18-20 servings)
Ingredient keywords: egg, mint
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Fresh Salsa Verde

There are many ways to make salsa verde (green salsa), but our Mexican daughter-in-law makes it very simply, like this. It is simply delicious served as a dip with corn chips, as a relish, or as a topping for veggies or meat dishes.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Martha Valencia Matthews (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: about 1 cup; recipe is easily multiplied to serve more
Ingredient keywords: tomatillo, pepper, cilantro, lime, garlic, salt
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Fresh Tomato Salsa With Papalo

Papalo (“Pop-ah-low”) is the uniquely flavored “secret ingredient” in classic Central and South American tomato salsas. An assertive herb, it lends a flavor similar to cilantro plus lime. Try it wherever you’d use those flavors, such as this simple salsa recipe from the interesting site, Every post in this blog is a green living “How To” that can be applied to your own life. The primary focus is local food and growing in the varied altitudes of the southeastern mountains and foothills.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: Depends on how you use it.
Ingredient keywords: tomato, onion, lime, jalapeno,, papalo, papalo
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Frozen Mint Lemonade

Quick and easy, and enjoyed by all ages. This is a great healthy alternative to those frozen slushies with their artificial colors and flavors. (For an adults-only party, it also makes a great cocktail; just add 2 oz. of vodka or rum.)

Source: My own recipe, but as simple as it is, I'm sure I'm not the first to come up with it. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: lemon, mint
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Great Grated Zucchini

Zucchini grow fast! If one gets a bit too large for serving in the usual ways, don’t toss it! As long as the skin is still shiny (not dull), it’s still good to eat! Grating zucchini gives it a new taste and a different texture. Baked in the oven and mixed with sour cream, this easy dish is crisp and appealing.

Source: A nice website, (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4 to 6
Ingredient keywords: zucchini, butter
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Greek Kale Salad with Pita Wedges

A delicious way to serve cooked greens in the summer… posted this recipe online back in 2009, noting that “this would be a good recipe for people who haven’t yet fallen in love with kale. The strong flavors of the feta and olives, combined with the acid of the lemon juice, set the kale’s flavor to the background.” You can cook the kale early if you wish, but dress the salad just before serving it, because the flavors are freshest then.

Source: Adapted from, submitted to Local Harvest by Tana Comer of Eaton's Creek Organics in Joelton, TN. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: About 4, depending on their appetites
Ingredient keywords: kale, lemon, tomato, olives, cheese, pita, olive
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Grilled Okra and Tomatoes

A very simple, delicious alternative to fat-laden fried okra, this recipe is especially good for those nights when you are grilling other items for supper. Make your life easier, though, and if you don’t have a grill basket, go get one immediately. You’ll be surprised to find how much more often you grill veggies if you never have to deal with them falling through and going up in flames!

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Cookin' Southern Vegetarian Style, by Ann Jackson. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4-5
Ingredient keywords: okra, oil, tomato
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Ground Cherry Pie

A simple and delicious recipe for an unusual Mennonite pie.

Source: and (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: ground, flour, flour
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Homemade Granola

Making up a batch of this healthy staple today, as I have more or less continuously since the 1970s, it occurred to me that I should share the recipe.

This is one of our family’s staples for breakfast (mixed with homemade yogurt and topped with a pile of chopped fresh fruits), and makes a tasty,healthy topping for cobblers and pies… It’s very adaptable, easy to whip together, and a good source of vitamins, fiber, and heart-healthy fats. (The wheat germ adds vitamin E and folic acid, but for a gluten-free variation, it can simply be eliminated without affecting the final product. Just reduce the hot water to 1/4 c.)

The amounts may seem large, but they work out to use entire packages of things if you don’t have a way to buy them in bulk, and the recipe makes just enough granola to fill two 13×9 pans for toasting it, thus using the oven most efficiently. Don’t worry, the granola stores beautifully, but it’s also yummy and will go fast!

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: My own recipe (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: About 25 one-cup servings
Ingredient keywords: oats, wheat, pumpkin, sunflower, nuts, molasses, oil
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