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Cucumber Relish Compote

When cucumbers are in season in your garden or at Locally Grown, it can seem like there MUST be other ways to eat them besides as salads or the usual sorts of pickles! Yes, there are, and this unusual but tasty combination can even be home-canned to enjoy over the winter! Of course, it can also just be used fresh. The flavor becomes richer when it is stored for a few weeks, however.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: A recipe from Family Circle magazine, Sept. 1966 (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 9 pint jars of relish
Ingredient keywords: cucumber, onion, orange, vinegar
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Cucumber-purslane-yogurt salad

A delicious chilled summer salad from the chef and co-owner of the famous Blue Room restaurant in Boston. Very fast and easy!

Source: (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: About 6
Ingredient keywords: cucumbe, purslane, mint, cilantro, chervil, yogurt, olive, garlic, coriander
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Curried Cauliflower

For a satisfying, complete meal serve this with saffron basmati rice and dal. You can add green peas or small bits of broccoli for some attractive color on your plate.

Source: Farmer John’s Cookbook: The Real Dirt On Vegetables (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: 4 to 5
Ingredient keywords: cauliflower, coriander
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Easy Curry Dip for Fresh Veggies

This is always a hit; haven’t found a person who doesn’t like it. Try it with summer squash, zucchini, cukes, or any other fresh vegetables that are in season.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Grace Fleming Ware (my sister's mother-in-law) (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 1 cup of dip
Ingredient keywords: curry, onion
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Easy Tomato-Malabar Spinach Quiche

A quick and easy summer brunch or supper dish.

Variations: If you don’t have Malabar spinach, you could substitute another type of green leafy vegetable. For an extra hearty dish, layer 1 c. diced pan-fried (hash brown) potatoes on top of the other veggies before adding the egg mixture.

Source: based on a recipe found at (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 6-8
Ingredient keywords: tomato, malabar, basil, onion, garlic, milk, eggs, cheese
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Easy Vietnamese Basic Dipping Sauce

This basic sauce is almost as ubiquitous in Southeast Asian cooking as catsup is in ours. Called Nuoc cham (“nook chahm”), it can be made in many versions, some cooked, some uncooked. Many nuoc cham recipes use a commercial preparation called “fish sauce”; it’s made from fermented anchovies, and smells awful but tastes good. However, substituting soy sauce (which the Vietnamese themselves also sometimes do) makes the recipe vegan and it still is tasty.

Source: an unremembered website (sorry! It was some time ago....) (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: About 1 cup of sauce
Ingredient keywords: lime, sugar, garlic, pepper
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English Pea and Radish Salad

True Southerners use the name “English peas” to describe the bright green peas that are the only ones known to most of the rest of the country. (That’s because we are lucky enough to also have any number of other yummy summer-grown peas, from crowder peas to pink-eye purple-hulled peas, just to name a few.) Still, English peas make a wonderful spring dish with other fresh seasonal ingredients…This simple recipe takes about 10 minutes to fix, and is ready to serve in less than half an hour. It is closely based on a recipe from a delightful new cookbook written by an Athens, GA native who is now a food editor for Southern Living magazine. Take a moment and check it out!

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Around the Southern Table, by Rebecca Lang. (2012, Oxmoor House). (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: peas, radish, onion, mint, olive, lemon, vinegar, salt
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Farmer’s Cabbage and Mushroom Pie

This is a farmer’s pie: rustic, a little rude, and down-right delicious. Traditionally, the pie was set in the middle of the table and everyone, fork in hand, had at it. But you can serve it in slices to avoid fights over the last bits. Try crumbling a few slices of crispy bacon into the pie for even more flavor.

Source: Farmer John’s Cookbook: The Real Dirt On Vegetables (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: 6 to 8
Ingredient keywords: onion, mushrooms, thyme, cabbage, cheese, eggs
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Fig and Vanilla Jam

This is a rich, densely fruity jam that is delicious with either sweet or savory food — try it with cold ham or cheese, or just enjoy it on your morning toast!

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Preserve It!, 2010, Doring Kindersley - a great source for new recipes for everything from canning to brewing your own beer. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: About 3 medium jars full of jam
Ingredient keywords: fig, lemon, apple, vanilla, sugar
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Finnish Cucumber Salad

This tasty dish is always a favorite at the meetings of the Jackson (Michigan) Scandinavian-American Society.

Source: A traditional way to fix cucumbers in Scandinavia (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 6-8
Ingredient keywords: yogurt, dill, sugar, vinegar, oil, salt, cucumber
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