The Weblog
Athens Locally Grown has closed.
November 12 Addendum
Hello! I realized this morning that I completely forgot to mention Thanksgiving in my email last night, and there were a few things I wanted you to know. Here they are:
Many of you have asked about local turkeys for your Thanksgiving meal. There is only one grower of naturally raised heritage beed turkeys, and that is Nature’s Harmony Farm. Unfortunately, they’re just one farm and the demand is so great that they actually sold out way back in May. Or February, even. A very long time ago. If you’d like to know about their turkeys for next year, head over to their website and sign up for their email newsletter. You may still be able to find turkeys raised with care from other farms across the country, perhaps even a state or two away, that will ship to you. Just head over to to search for those.
Second, we will be open next week, but we will be taking the week of Thanksgiving off. It’s the only week a year we close up shop (unless Christmas also falls on a Thursday, which it doesn’t this year). So, stock up now and next week for items you’ll be needing for your Thanksgiving meal.
Finally, to help toward that end, we’ve decided to drive out to Split Creek Farm both this week and next so that you can purchase their award winning cheese, fudge, yogurt, and other items (no, not their raw milk). Some of you already noticed their items listed this week, but if you didn’t and have been missing their fudge, well, don’t be afraid to place another order this week.
Thanks, and we’ll see you on Thursday!