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Market Open for September 3

Just this once I’m going to skip the product listing and fancy formatting, just to better the odds the following announcements make it through everyone’s junk mail filters.

First, the last several weeks, my weekly email has been classified as “spam” by Google, and so for pretty much everyone using Gmail (and possibly a few other services that use Google’s filters), my email hasn’t been making it into their inbox. To keep that from happening, create a filter on my email address, “”, that sends it to the inbox or otherwise keeps it out of your junk mail system. Also, if you’re in doubt, you can find a copy of the email on the website itself (minus the full product listing) on the Weblog page. And, whether you get the email or not, the website is always open before I go to bed Sunday night.

Second, we open the market for pickups on Thursday at 4:30pm, and we’re there until 8pm. Items that run short are filled in the order the orders are placed, not in the order you arrive to pick them up, so you don’t gain anything by arriving early. We’re starting to get a sizable line at 4pm, and what’s worse, there have been several people who have been impatient with us when we can’t fill their orders right then, despite us not even being open yet. If the growers arrive early and we’re able to start filling orders early, we will, but otherwise, no.

Last week we filled about half of all the orders for the week (and we had a record number of orders) by 5:15, and the entire rest of the night, there was no line whatsoever. If you’re able to arrive after 5:30, please consider doing so. You’ll avoid the rush and make the process smoother for everyone involved.

Finally, the state probation office, located right behind the market building, is beginning to page a new parking lot. It’s unfortunately part of the process of putting the building up for sale. It’s also going to tie up the area behind the building with heavy equipment and piles of dirt. If you’ve been coming in the back gate, you’re probably going to have to come in the front. Also, our growers are going to have to unload in the front, making things even tighter for those early in the afternoon. Hopefully it won’t be too bad, but considering they were going to use the entire facility for staging until Amanda Tedrow, ACC’s wonderful Ag Extension Agent, interceded on our behalf. Thanks, Amanda!

And now, on to the food…