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Oven Fried Green Tomatoes

This is a great way to fix that Southern classic, fried green tomatoes, without last-minute fussing and standing over a hot frying pan. It’s also a lot healthier (=lower in fat and calories!) than the traditional version.

Source: Based on p. 135, "Flavors of the Gardens: A Collection of Recipes and Stories from Callaway Gardens," Memphis: Wimmer Co., 2000. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 6 servings
Ingredient keywords: cornmeal, egg, tomato
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Pan-Broiled Salmon (Sake Nanban-yaki)

From Shizuo Tsuji, Japanese Cooking: A Simple Feast, which came out in the early eighties with an introduction by M.F.K. Fisher and color illustrations apparently subsidized by Suntory whisky, which (it’s noted) pairs well with many Japanese dishes. My friend Annie lent me this cookbook as an artifact, and because of my M.F.K. Fisher addiction. Mostly the recipes were too rigorous to make it in to my regular routine, but this salmon dish is simple and amazing.

Source: Shizuo Tsuji, Japanese Cooking (Entered by Regan Huff)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: salmon, onion
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Parsnip-Purslane Salad

Our grown son, who loves to cook, put together this salad just to combine raw ingredients that he likes to eat. It turned out so delicious that we begged him to write it down so we could share it with y’all. Its simplicity makes it a wonderful last-minute addition to any meal. Enjoy.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Paul Matthews (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: About 3
Ingredient keywords: parsnip, purslane, fennel, onion, olives, lemon, vinegar, oil
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Paul's Butternut Soup

Butternut squash soup is a time-honored classic. Using ingredients on hand, our son developed this tasty variation, which has become a favorite of ours.

Source: Our own recipe (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: Two for main course; 4-6 for appetizer or side dish.
Ingredient keywords: butternut, onion, garlic, rosemary, sage, giner, fennel, olive, broth
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Paul's Persimmon-Brie Spread

Inspired by the native persimmons dropping from a tree in his yard, our son Paul came up with this simple, delicious new way to use them. The mix of sweet, salty, creamy and chunky flavors and textures is hauntingly good.

Source: Paul Matthews (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: As an appetizer, enough for about 4 hungry people.
Ingredient keywords: Brie, persimmon, jalapeno
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Pecan Bars

This is a good way to use pecan pieces. (Bought from Green Acres Farm of course) This bar will bake up like a brownie. If your New Years resolution is weight loss, wait a month or so.

Source: Leo Workman Green Acres Farm (Entered by Leo Workman)
Servings: 12-16 servings
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Perfect Grilled Zucchini with Tomatoes and Herbs

Zucchini has a tendency to overtake summer gardens — and one can make only so much zucchini bread! Facing this challenge was America’s Test Kitchen, an organization that employs dozens of cooks to develop the best recipes and methods for popular American dishes. This recipe and methodology was the result. It’s a delicious way to use some of summer’s bounty. The technique is the key to perfection — you can freely substitute other summer squash for the zucchini, and use parsley, mint, clinatro, or tarragon in place of basil, if desired.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Based on techniques outlined in Cook's Illustrated special 2009 issue, "Summer Grilling." (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: Serves 4 to 6.
Ingredient keywords: zucchini, olive, vinegar, tomato, basil
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Poofy Top Cobbler

This easy recipe is both delicious and adaptable. Peaches are an obvious choice for the fruit part, but it also works with berries of many kinds. You assemble it in layers without stirring, and the batter poofs up to make a golden brown topping.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Cookin' Southern Vegetarian Style, by Ann Jackson. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 6-8
Ingredient keywords: flour, sugar, salt, milk, peach, lemon, cinnamon, cloves
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Quick and Easy Bok Choy Stir-fry

This simple cooking method works equally well for all sorts of fresh tender vegetables, including bok choy, chinese cabbage, and broccoli. (Don’t try to substitute olive oil for the suggested oils; it has too low a smoke point for good stir-fry cookery.)

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: A nice website for simple fresh recipes -- (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: serves 4
Ingredient keywords: choy, oil, garlic, ginger
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Roasted Beets with Feta

very yummy and festive dish with fresh local beets and feta.

Source: found on (Entered by Mike Johnson)
Servings: serves 4 as a side dish
Ingredient keywords: beets, shallot, parsley, ~, feta
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