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Horse-Radish Lemon Pepper Sunchokes

This is the sunchoke pickle many of you sampled on Feb.9, meeting the grower; Amy Mashburn of Mill Gap Farm.

Source: Adapted from the book "Tart and Sweet" by Kelly Geary and Jessie Knadler, by Jamie Allred Executive Chef Lake Rabun Hotel and Restaurant (Entered by Chuck and Amy Mashburn)
Servings: This makes about 2 quarts of pickles
Ingredient keywords: Jerusalem
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Ikarian Potato Salad with Purslane

A different potato salad that is colorful, tasty, healthy, and easy to fix in less than 30 minutes. For a “chef-ly” presentation, try layering the ingredients in a glass bowl, then dressing it (with much pomp and ceremony!)at the table.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: About 6
Ingredient keywords: potato, olive, vinegar, tomato, purslane, cucumber, onion, jalapeno, parsley, mint
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Irish Stew

A Saint Patrick’s Day classic that’s good any time. This recipe was originally developed by chef James Beard, then popularized by the Tabasco pepper sauce people. It’s great tasting, but so simple to prepare that a beginner can do it.

Source: a booklet put out by the Tabasco pepper sauce company, years ago. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4 to 6
Ingredient keywords: lamb, potato, onion, carrot, thyme, bay
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Irish/British Pickled Onions

In the British Isles, pickled onions are practically a national treasure. There are hundreds of commercial varieties, and they are served with everything from fish and chips to meat pies. Here in the American South, we might more commonly serve them as a side to go with greens and cornbread, or as a replacement for the olive in a martini (technically, with the onion it’s a Gibson!). Onions are simple to pickle, and this recipe lends itself to a lot of variation, so consider the spices listed as just suggestions, but they’re a good place to start if you haven’t made pickles before. Then try malt vinegar, wine vinegar, or cider vinegar. Add chilies and garlic, or change to a Southeast Asian flavor by spicing them with coriander, lime, and ginger.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: There is really no one recipe -- the secret is in knowing the technique -- but this is generally similar to one in the Ball Blue Book from about 1963. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: variable-- 4 qts. of tiny pickling onions generally weighs about 3 lb. and will make about 7 pints
Ingredient keywords: onion, vinegar
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Italian Zucchini

This recipe is almost impossibly easy and quick, but really deicious! Try it with any of the many good varieties of summer squash, too.

Source: An easy family recipe (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4-5
Ingredient keywords: zucchini, garlic, green, olive, basil, tomato
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Jan's Zucchini Bread

A nice way to use zucchini squash that have grown a bit too large… the 4 cups of grated veggie in this recipe translates into just about a pound and a half of zucchini, but it makes two pretty loaves without any more work than making one. The loaves freeze beautifully, so eat one now and put the other away for later!

There are a lot of recipes for zucchini bread “out there”, but they generally are so full of white flour, white sugar, and oil that this probably offsets any health benefit provided by the zucchini that’s stuck in there. Over the years, I’ve been working at gradually making the basic recipe healthier, and this is what I’ve come up with. It’s tasty and relatively good for you the way it is now, but if you find you can improve it further, please share your variation with the rest of us! Just post it in the Comments section. (That’s the kind of thing it’s there for!)

Source: My version, adapted from many different recipes (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 2 generous loaves (9x5 pans)
Ingredient keywords: egg, honey, zucchini, nuts
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Jerusalem artichoke hummus.

Quick and easy to make, this is a great version of hummus that is easily adjusted to your taste. The fresh sunchokes blend to a creamy texture and harmony with the other ingredients.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Adapted from a recipe by Patricia Kyritsi Howell (Entered by Chuck and Amy Mashburn)
Servings: Serves 2-4
Ingredient keywords: sunchokes, tahini, oil
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Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

Simple and tasty — If you want to sound fancier, call it “Sunchoke Soup.” “Sunchoke” is the marketing name for these root vegetables, which come from a sunflower-like plant that is native to eastern North America. Despite its name, the Jerusalem artichoke has no relation to Jerusalem, and it is not a type of artichoke, though when it is cooked like this, the taste is similar. (Note: Although the original recipe calls for peeling sunchokes, this can be tedious and I suspect peeling loses nutrients. I just scrub them thoroughly and cut them into equal-sized pieces so they will cook evenly.)

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Adapted from (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: Serves 4.
Ingredient keywords: butter,, onion, artichoke, garlic
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Kale and White Bean Soup with Sun-dried Tomatoes and Saffron

Sun-dried tomatoes lend their deep, sweet flavor to this wonderful and easy-to-prepare soup, and fennel seeds and saffron add a little mystery.

Source: Farmer John’s Cookbook: The Real Dirt On Vegetables (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: 4 to 6
Ingredient keywords: garlic, onion, potato, carrot, parsnip, tomatoes, kale, beans
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Lemon Thyme Quick Bread

This recipe takes two bowls, and sounds more complicated than it really is. For any true lover of lemon flavors, this makes a special addition to a memorable meal!

Source: An old family recipe (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 1 loaf
Ingredient keywords: butter, sugar, eggs, lemon, lemon, thyme, flour, baking, salt, milk, sugar
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