Farm Tours
Website: www.facebook.com/farmerForADayToursWithAthensLocallyGrown
This grower has a photo album.
(This listing is not really a grower, but it is enabling our Farm Tour volunteer, Cathy Payne, use of our website to take reservations and add information about our 2013 farm tours and work days.)
Please join us as Athens Locally Grown hosts five monthly Farmer for a Day tours. For 5 months between February and September, participants will visit a different sustainable farm to gain insight into some of the low-impact agricultural methods used in our community. They will also be able to match faces and names with farms that provide fresh, chemical-free goods to Athens area markets, restaurants, and individuals.
In addition, the farmers will receive some much-deserved recognition while getting a little help and potentially picking up a few new customers.
All in all, it will help individuals create an even stronger sense of community in the Athens, Georgia vicinity.
One Saturday or Sunday a month between March and September, we will meet at our host farm at the designated time. For two hours, participants will get to see first-hand what goes into producing their food by helping with small, fun and interesting projects the grower will have prepared. We’ll then have lunch (free for all volunteers) followed by a full tour of the farm. You may have a chance to purchase fresh food from the farm if it is available. The total time allotted for each event is about 4 hours.
Our food sponsors this year are Athens Locally Grown, and participating farmers. Food served will include local and organic ingredients as much as possible.
Each tour is limited to 20 participants. In October, there will be a Boann’s Banks wrap-up party, which will have 50 reservations available. Each tour will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. You can sign up here at the Locally Grown site while you’re shopping, or if you have additional questions or are not a member of Athens Locally Grown you can sign up by emailing event volunteer Cathy Payne at broadriverpastures@gmail.com.
The list of farms and dates for 2013 is below with more details to follow. Our facebook listing is at https://www.facebook.com/FarmerForADayToursWithAthensLocallyGrown?ref=hl
2013 Tour #1
Saturday, March 23 10-2
Long Shot Farm in Arnoldsville
Planting an asparagus bed
2013 Tour #2 10-2
Saturday, April 27
Blue Moon Farms in Comer (Madison County)
Install drip system, weed, mulch, move mushroom logs
2013 Tour #3
Saturday, May 18 2-6
Covenant Valley Farm
2013 Tour #4
Saturday, June 15 10-2
Dragonfly Farm in Nicholson
Daylillies will be in bloom!
Planting and weeding
Compost demonstration
Daylilies and produce for sale
2013 Tour #5
Sunday, September 15 10-2
Full Moon Farm Coop
Veggies for sale
The Event season will end with the Hunter’s Moon Feast at Boann’s Banks in Royston, Georgia at a date and time TBD.
Locations and details about these farms and the Farmer for a Day tours will be posted both on the Locally Grown Market page and on the Facebook Farmer for a Day – Athens Locally Grown page.
We hope to see you at one or more of these fantastic events!
Cathy Payne