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Tropical Kale Smoothie

This is a beautifully green drink – and my 6-year old loves it. I’m sure many variations can be made (including the use of fresh fruits and/or add-ins like flax seeds or yogurt).

Source: I discovered this one online, but can't find my original source. Sorry! (Entered by Janice Flory)
Servings: 2-3
Ingredient keywords: banana, pineapple,, kale
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Turnips with Yogurt and Tomato

I’m very pro-turnip. You should be, too. If you’re not already eating them raw while roasting a pan full every week, this is a good gateway recipe.

Source: Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian (Entered by Regan Huff)
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: yogurt, turnip, shallot, tomato
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Two-Potato Pancakes

These make a great simple dinner with sausages (either meat or veggie-type) and applesauce. The addition of sweet potatoes makes the pancakes much higher in vitamin A and vitamin c, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, while the addition of white potatoes keeps the pancake from being too moist and soft. You can peel the potatoes if you prefer, but keeping the skins makes the dish even healthier.

Source: our own recipe (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: potato, sweet, eggs, onion
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Veloute a la Dubarry (Cauliflower Veloute)

A simple twist on the traditional leek and potato soup.

Source: From Twelve Months of Monastery Soups by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avila-Latourrette. (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: cauliflower, leek, potato, butter, flour, eggs, fraiche
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Vietnamese "Cold Rolls"

When a friend returned from bicycling across Viet Nam, she shared this recipe with us. We adapted it into a kid-friendly family version by putting out the chopped ingredients separately in little bowls. Let everyone choose what they want to add, then fold them into little packets and dip them in the sauce (see separate listing for Easy Vietnamese Basic Dipping Sauce). Little kids and big ones alike love the element of personal control!

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Our own recipe, based on a traditional Vietnamese one (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: adjustable; amounts are approximately per serving. Adapt accordingly.
Ingredient keywords: cabbage, herb, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, noodles
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Vietnamese Lettuce Wrap

With a culinary tradition that some have called “French cooking in a Chinese kitchen” or vice versa, Vietnamese cooking is nutritious, delicious, and locally-based. Although some of the ingredients may be unfamiliar to many of us, other things are universal — here, a quick and simple stir-fry with root vegetables combines with lettuce and a variety of fresh herbs for the perfect summer lunch! This is one of several recipes we’ve enjoyed from this nice little paperback cookbook (and I promise it won’t have you thinking “tofu again!”). If you don’t have all the listed herbs, mix and match with what you have.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Vietnamese Fusion Vegetarian Cuisine, by Chat Mingkwan. 2007. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: About 4, depending on their appetites
Ingredient keywords: tofu, potato, sweet, onion, lettuce, basil, rau, cilantro, dill, mint
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Water Buffalo Sausage Polenta Casserole

My stepson and I tried this recipe as a new way to enjoy our Zesty Italian Sausages. It was tasty! I would love to have a local source for buffalo mozarella as the true source of mozarella is water buffalo (we don’t milk ours). In America it’s made with cow’s milk. We sell some of our heifers to new dairies in the southeast, so I hope to refer them in the future.

Source: (I used our zesty Italian instead of sweet Italian sausuage and changed the name slightly) (Entered by Shalley Carrell)
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: olive, tomato, oregano, onion, garlic, salt, black, sausage, polenta, mozzarella, fennel
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Wild Green Salad with Balsamic Fig Vinaigrette

This delicious dish combines the bitterness of wild greens, the sweetness of tomatoes and figs, and the tanginess of balsamic vinegar into a light, refreshing summer salad. Feel free to substitute whatever greens you have on hand, or add protein to transform this side dish into the star of the show!

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: A weekend kitchen experiment :) (Entered by Micah & Tanya Hudson)
Servings: 4-8
Ingredient keywords: arugula, spinach, lambsquarter, chicory, greens, herbs, tomato, flowers, fig, vinegar, oil, mustard
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Yemenite Chili Paste (Z’chug)

A spicy chile sauce made with green chiles — almost like a chutney — and an ingredient in Yemenite Eggplant Spread. Add chopped tomatoes or tahini to reduce heat. Serve with felafel or bread, or add to stews, soups or salads. Keeps covered in fridge for up to 2 months. From Gil Marks’s really excellent cookbook of Jewish vegetarian cooking from Africa to the Middle East to eastern and western Europe.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Gil Marks, Olive Trees and Honey (Entered by Regan Huff)
Servings: 2 cups
Ingredient keywords: jalapeno, cilantro, garlic
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Yemenite Eggplant Spread

A different take on a baba ghannouj-style eggplant dip or side. Yemenite Chili Paste is a blend of pureed green chiles, cilantro, garlic, cardamom, and cumin or caraway (see separate recipe).

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Gil Marks, Olive Trees and Honey (Entered by Regan Huff)
Servings: 6-8 servings
Ingredient keywords: eggplant, tomato, parsley, garlic
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