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Asparagus and White Bean Salad with Feta and Lemon Dressing

Served with crusty bread, this salad makes a terrific meal. White beans provide a delectable hearty tenderness, without overwhelming the delicate asparagus. Tangy feta, zesty lemon, and a touch of mint give this salad a bright and refreshing flavor.

Source: From Farmer John’s Cookbook: The Real Dirt On Vegetables (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: asparagus, mint, feta, radishes, scallions
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Assertive Greens with Honey Mustard Sauce

America’s Test Kitchen cleaned, stemmed, and cooked over 100 pounds of leafy greens to come up with the best ways to cook both the tender, mild varieties of greens and the more “assertive” ones. They found that the amount of water used to blanch the greens really does matter, so take the time to measure it! Cooking time also matters — these greens do not need to be boiled for hours, the way old-timey cooks did it!

This newer method sounds much more time-consuming and involved than it really is in practice. The basic blanching method described here results in tender greens with good color and full flavor without bitterness. After draining them, they can be quickly cooked with whatever seasonings you desire. We’re particularly partial to this honey mustard version.

Source: "Perfect Vegetables" by the editors of Cook's Illustrated magazine (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: greens, salt, mustard, honey, butter, garlic
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Assertive Greens with Onions or Shallots and Cream

A bit of background — all leafy greens are not interchangeable. Some are delicate enough for salads; others can be tough as shoe leather. In general, though, they fall into two categories, each of which is handled differently. Within each category, though, the type of green used is pretty much interchangeable. The “tender greens” (beet greens, Swiss chard, spinach) are delicate and moisture-rich. The “assertive greens” (kale, mustard, turnips, collards) are stronger in flavor, and require added liquid as they cook.
This is a great recipe for those more assertive greens. Technique is the key. The initial shallow blanching erases some of their bitterness without robbing them of their character. It preserves their color and flavor, saves time, and allows them to be cooked more quickly.Once the greens have been blanched and drained, they can be used in any number of tasty recipes. In this one, the sweetness of the onions and the richness of the cream mellow the bitterness of the greens.

Source: Perfect Vegetables: A Best Recipe Classic, 2003, by the editors of Cook's Illustrated magazine (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: serves 4 (about 2 cups of cooked greens)
Ingredient keywords: greens, salt, butter, onions, cream, sugar, thyme, nutmeg
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Awesome Basic Deviled Eggs

YUMMY. You don’t have to be exact with the measurements….just don’t make the yolk mixture too “wet”…

Source: My grandmother from Andersonville GA (Entered by Leslie Lawson)
Servings: one (if you are a gourmond) 12 (if everyone eats 1/2 an egg)
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Baby's Berry-Citrus Compote with Champagne Vinaigrette *NON-ALCOHOLIC!!!*

This is something I tossed together one morning whilst grazing through my fridge in search of … whatever, LOL!

Proper food precautions with honey and all that, don’t let your tiny toddlers steal this, just in case, or leave the honey out, and wash all fruits well, no matter the origin. Safety first!

Feel free to substitute seasonal berries! ;oD

Source: Totally mine, pass or fail, this one's all on me, and I want honest critiques! (Entered by Amy Bozarth)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, tangelo, banana, tangelo, raspberries, sucanat, honey, vinegar, pink, peppercorn, oil, granola
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Baked Rabbit

I have many memories of being served a variety of small, wild game at my grandparents’ house in Tennesse as a child. Yes, they were hillbillies! They grew, fished, and hunted most everything they ate. Rabbit was commonly served, usually fried or stewed. This was my first try at cooking it myself (thirty something years later) and was happily surprised at how well it turned out. I read several recipes online and came up with my own version of a baked recipe. Knowing how much love and care they put into their farm, I purchased this delicate and tasty rabbit from Broad River Pastures.

Source: Shalley Carrell's culmination (Entered by Shalley Carrell)
Servings: 3
Ingredient keywords: rabbit, butter, onion, mushrooms, cream
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Baked Zucchini

A yummy way of fixing zucchini (or other summer squash) that concentrates the flavor and keeps the squash from being watery. It works with an oven meal, or on the grill or campfire. Bonus: No pan to wash!

Source: Our own recipe (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: zucchini, olive, thyme, oregano, Parmesan
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Beef 'n' Brew Crockpot Vegetable Soup

This is a great soup to make when you’re expecting visitors. It can be assembled and started in the crockpot many hours before the party, leaving you free to do other things. Beer is a prominent ingredient in this hearty soup. If you want a lighter beer flavor, use a pale beer. Use a darker beer for a more pronounced beer taste. (Use home brew for real bragging rights!)

Source: "New Flavors from Your Crockery Cooker" (Better Homes & Gardens, 1998) (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: onion, carrot, parsnip, garlic, bay, thyme, pepper, beef, beer
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Beet Slices in Creamy Mustard Sauce

For this recipe, tender cooked beets are sliced and warmed in a creamy and delicious mustard sauce. If you cook the beets ahead of time, this becomes a low-fuss, high-impact side dish you can prepare and serve almost instantly.

Source: From Farmer John’s Cookbook: The Real Dirt On Vegetables (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: beets, onion, parsley
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Better Breakfast Whole Wheat Pancakes

My mom used to make these delicious pancakes all the time before school. They are quick and easy, but delicious and nutritious!

Source: Mom's Kitchen (Entered by Phillip Henry)
Servings: Serves 6 people.
Ingredient keywords: wheat, oats, eggs, milk, vanilla, oil, soda, salt
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Blackbriar's Rib Eye Roast

A delicious beef roast with au jus. Nice with roasted new potatoes and steamed asparagus.

Source: Blackbriar (Entered by Leslie Lawson)
Servings: 2 to 4
Ingredient keywords: roast
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Blender Bread

This recipe enables people without grain mills to grind wheat and make their own bread at home by using a blender to wet-mill the grain. It does require some store-bought flour but you can’t tell the difference in the taste. Enjoy!

Source: Mom's kitchen (Entered by Phillip Henry)
Servings: Makes 2 loaves
Ingredient keywords: wheat, milk, flour, yeast, salt, oil, honey, gluten
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Blender Pesto Sauce to Use Now or Freeze

This is delicious on pasta or on baked Irish potatoes. Pesto also can be made ahead and frozen for convenience. (Note that the Parmesan cheese is added later, when the pesto is used, not when it is going to be frozen.)

Source: Based on p. 99, "Flavors of the Gardens: A Collection of Recipes and Stories from Callaway Gardens," Memphis: Wimmer Co., 2000. (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: Twelve tablespoon-sized frozen cubes, or enough for 1.5 pounds of pasta.
Ingredient keywords: basil, olive, nuts, garlic, cheese
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Bok Choy Salad

This simple recipe has gotten 4 and 5 star reviews from 150+ cooks on the popular web site, As one reviewer notes, “This is hands down the best salad that I’ve ever had… I urge you to just give this one a try. You would think that raw baby bok choy would give this salad a bitter taste, but the dressing makes all the difference.”

Source: "Yummy Bok Choy Salad," (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: olive, vinegar, choy, onions, almonds
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Braised Cabbage with Parsley and Thyme

This dish is delicate and simple. It was the outcome of a series of cooking trials in which America’s Test Kitchen searched for the very best ways to cook cabbage. If your past experience has only been with gray, mushy “boiled cabbage”, try this — you won’t believe you’re eating the same vegetable!

VEGAN/VEGETARIAN ALTERNATIVE: Substitute white wine or apple juice for the chicken broth, and it will still be tasty. Canola oil works as a substitute for the butter, but olive oil has too strong a taste for this delicate dish. (Don’t try making this fat-free. America’s Test Kitchen found that the combination of a bit of fat and a water-based liquid is key to preserving the cabbage’s texture and developing a more complex flavor.)

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: "Perfect Vegetables" by the editors of Cook's Illustrated magazine (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: butter, cabbage, thyme, parsley
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Braised Lettuces

Tired of munching bunny food? Don’t be afraid to add heat to lettuce. In this recipe, small heads ww. Cooking lettuce this way brings out a natural, delicate sweetness in the leaves. The bunnies don’t know what they’re missing.

Source: Farmer John’s Cookbook: The Real Dirt On Vegetables (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: Serves 3 to 4
Ingredient keywords: lettuce, butter
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Braised Radishes, Two Ways

For those of us who grew up eating radishes only raw and in salads, braised radishes come as a happy surprise. Cooking changes the radishes completely, replacing their pungent flavor with a mild, turnip-like sweetness. Here are two versions: the one with chives goes well with chicken, pork, or fish. The version with cream turns a colorful bright pink. Sauteeing the radishes briefly in butter helps bring out their mellow, sweet flavor, and as a braising liquid, chicken broth was the first choice of the cooks at America’s Test Kitchen, but feel free to experiment with vegetarian options.

Source: based on 2 recipes in Perfect Vegetables: A Best Recipe Classic, 2003, by the editors of Cook's Illustrated magazine (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: Serves 4.
Ingredient keywords: butter, garlic, radish, broth, chives, cream, thyme
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Broiled Halibut with Miso Glaze

This is a classic Japanese take on fish. Doug’s Halibut was the perfect cut for this. I served one steak with some spinach and shitake dumplings and Hon Tsuyu soup base (Fooks) with rice noodles and it served three generously.

Source: Modified from Eating Well January 1997 (Entered by mary songster)
Servings: 2-3
Ingredient keywords: halibut
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Buffalo & Peppers

This hearty and healthy “soup” is one of our mainstay meals on the farm. Perfect for a breezy day, it is warming, but not heavy. It’s simple to make and this free form recipe can be varied to utilize other ingredients you may have on hand.

Stock made ahead of time from either water buffalo soup bones or other grass fed soup bones (beef, lamb) is the very best to use. It turns into a thick “gelatin” when chilled, but immediately liquifies again when heated. This is caused by the presence of collagen, which is wonderfully beneficial to our joints, hair, and nails (anti-inflammatory). If good soup bones are not available, use a natural broth instead.

Source: David Carrell's own creation. (Entered by Shalley Carrell)
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: bones, buffalo
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Buffalo Con Queso Dip

We bring this yummy dip to family functions (by popular demand), and always have a big pot of it going at our farm parties. Kids go crazy for it! Make a triple batch for a gathering, and freeze leftovers if you happen to have any.

Source: This recipe came to me from my mother-in-law, Gail Carrell. I substituted water buffalo for beef and renamed it. (Entered by Shalley Carrell)
Servings: 4-8
Ingredient keywords: buffalo, onion, garlic, tomato, ketchup, cream, parmesan, tortilla
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Buffalo Joes

We made this at our most recent annual Labor Day farm open house/party, to do something a little different than burgers, and it was a huge hit!

Source: This is a recipe I found on the internet a long time ago -- not sure who to credit. (Entered by Shalley Carrell)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: buffalo, onion, bell, oil
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Burmese Okra Salad

This is a nice change from our usual Southern okra recipes.

Source: Amy Mashburn with clarification from the recipe book The Burmese Kitchen (Entered by Chuck and Amy Mashburn)
Servings: 4 servings
Ingredient keywords: okra
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Butter - The Easy Way

Forget everything anyone has ever told you about butter being hard to make. You don’t need a butter churn or a cream separator. All you need is a spoon, a jar and an electric mixer. Here is how you can make fresh butter – the quick and easy way! This recipe will provide you with fresh butter and buttermilk. The milk that you skim the cream off of is perfectly delicious “skim” milk – so you are not “wasting” anything by making butter. NOTE: It is better to use cream from milk that has been in the fridge for at least 3 days.

Source: Nicole Miller - Seventh Heaven Farm (Entered by Ted Miller)
Servings: Depends on the amount of cream you use.
Ingredient keywords: Raw
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Calamondin Orange Marmalade

Calamondin oranges are the small but plentiful fruits of a popular citrus houseplant that originated as a cross between a tangerine and a kumquat. They smell sweet, but are surprisingly tart, and make a very refreshing marmalade. This is a very simple recipe, and quite adaptable to other tart citrus such as Meyer lemon or lime. I haven’t tried sugar substitutes with these, but if you have success doing so, please share your secrets with the rest of us!

Source: Many, many old-time cooks (Entered by Janice Matthews)
Servings: 4 half-pint jelly jars full
Ingredient keywords: calamondin, sugar
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Caldo Verde (Portuguese Cabbage Soup)

Though this recipe calls for cabbage, you can also use most any green available this time of year, including kale, chard, or broccoli leaves.

Source: From "Twelve Months of Monastery Soups" by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avila-Latourrette. (Entered by Eric Wagoner)
Servings: Serves 6
Ingredient keywords: onion, potato, cabbage
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