McBride Family Farm
McBride Family Farm is an unexpected surprise born in January 2014. This is when my father, Larry Gray, and I purchased ’Jim’s Farm’ from Jim McBride and embarked on a new adventure. The farm is 5.66 acres located in Winterville, GA. Both Jim and the owners that preceded him were organic farmer/gardeners who chose not to use chemical fertilizers or pesticides. We feel very fortunate to be starting out with such ‘clean’ land and fully intend to continue this precedent. We are currently maintaining 225 rabbit eye blueberry bushes and are working towards growing some row crops in the future. As we plan, we are gathering together a small team of folks who believe that our individual relationships with food are strong indicators of the integrity of our relationships with family, community, spirit, and our planet. Our ultimate goal includes finding innovative ways of producing food we love to eat while working towards eliminating as much of our ‘carbon footprint’ as possible. Thank you for your support!
Shannon McBride