
Greendale Farm

We currently produce Free-range Eggs and Pasture raised chicken. Eggs come from a variety of brown egg layers and if you’re lucky you might even find a green or blue egg from the Araucanas. As a result of their free range diet the yokes of these eggs are nearly orange. Our meat birds are Cornish Cross and dress out at 3-4lbs on average, great tasting, tender and low-fat.

We do not use medicated feed, growth hormones, chemicals on the pasture, or anything nasty – after all we eat what we produce! Everyone lives on the pasture and 20-30% of their diet comes from it. We enjoy our work on the farm, it’s a labor of love and we are happy to share God’s bounty with you and thank you for any and all orders you place for our produce. You may come visit the farm – please call ahead to make sure we know you are coming – date and time – so one of us can be there to meet and greet you.

Sincerely – Russ and Christel Green

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