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Cereal & Granola

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Baby's Berry-Citrus Compote with Champagne Vinaigrette *NON-ALCOHOLIC!!!*

This is something I tossed together one morning whilst grazing through my fridge in search of … whatever, LOL!

Proper food precautions with honey and all that, don’t let your tiny toddlers steal this, just in case, or leave the honey out, and wash all fruits well, no matter the origin. Safety first!

Feel free to substitute seasonal berries! ;oD

Source: Totally mine, pass or fail, this one's all on me, and I want honest critiques! (Entered by Amy Bozarth)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, tangelo, banana, tangelo, raspberries, sucanat, honey, vinegar, pink, peppercorn, oil, granola
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